Our Testimonials
“To give a testimony is to share an expression of God’s goodness to us.”
Sis. Evelyn Archie
A Message of Thankfulness: Let the Church Say Amen - For 93 Years of St. Paul Baptist Church
Colossians 3:15 says “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
For a moment, let your hearts and minds reflect on the day you walked into the doors of St. Paul Baptist Church for the very first time.
A church that started in 1926 by a small group of faithful members; believers in Jesus Christ.
For some, it may have been over 50 years; some 30; some over 10 or for some, just a year or under.
But can you recall that day? How you felt? What you experienced? Were you sad, happy, scared, heartbroken, anxious or a little confused about all this church stuff?
Or did you feel welcomed, loved and safe?
Did you feel like you were home? Not like a visitor or stranger, but a child of God.
Like myself, many of us landed on this doorstep for different reasons such as our parents or grandparents; or you were invited by a family member/friend.
Or maybe you came for a special occasion/holiday and heard a word that ignited your spirit;
or somewhere in passing you heard about a little church on the hill,
where an anointed Pastor and his faith-filled ministerial staff were preaching and teaching God’s Holy word;
sharing the good news that Jesus is Lord and Savior;
where the choir were singing songs of Zion and giving ALL praises to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords;
Where disciples were being commissioned and equipped to go out to tell the world about who God is;
sharing the Good news that HE lives; where ministries were helping the communities; embracing the seniors and encouraging the youth to RISE up in their faith;
where little children are being taught bible scriptures, how to pray, respect others and serve;
where all were welcomed, loved and needed; where Holy Communion was being shared with those who are saved; that HIS body and blood still had power to wash away EVERY sin;
where prayers were lifted up, scriptures were read, and the people of God were all on one accord.
Where since 1926, the church has been blessed to have had only three shepherds guiding the sheep to follow God’s plan for their lives;
to know that in all they do, their steps are ordered by him.
These strong men of God - Pastors who would spiritually lead, teach, preach, baptize the believers,
pray for and equip the people of God with the doctrine of Jesus Christ, so they would trust and believe, in all they do, to walk by faith and not by sight;
Servant Leaders who believed then and still believe now, in Kingdom Building; building up the body, and building up one another.
Where new wine and new wineskins are flowing and salvation is real, because God’s love for us is real; he keeps and protects; and no matter how the world offers sin, the true church of God offers salvation!
Thru the renewing of our minds, hearts and souls – through the true and living Almighty God!
St. Paul Baptist Church IS that church and has been that church for 93 years! We are thankful, grateful and blessed!
Happy 93rd Anniversary St. Paul - and again, let the Church say Amen!!